I-Neodymium iyinsimbi ye-ferromagnetic, okusho ukuthi kulimaze kalula ngephuzu lentengo elingenamali. Kuwo wonke ama-magnets ahlala njalo, i-neodymium inamandla kakhulu, futhi inokuphakamisa okuningi ngosayizi wayo kune-samarium cobalt kanye nama-ceramic magnets. Uma kuqhathaniswa neminye imibuthe yomhlaba engandile efana ne-seamarium cobalt, ama-big neodymium magnets nawo ayabiza futhi aqine. Neodymium has the greatest power-to-weight ratio and a high resistance to demagnetization when used and stored at the correct temperatures.
Permanent magnets are objects made from a material that is magnetized, which creates its own persistent magnetic field. Kunezinhlobo eziningana zemidlalo yezimboni ezingapheli kufaka phakathi ubumba, i-alnico, i-samarium cobalt, i-neodymium iron boron, umjovo obunjiwe, futhi oziphethe nezimo eziguqukayo.
Permanent magnets are objects made from a material that is magnetized, which creates its own persistent magnetic field. Kunezinhlobo eziningana zemidlalo yezimboni ezingapheli kufaka phakathi ubumba, i-alnico, i-samarium cobalt, i-neodymium iron boron, umjovo obunjiwe, futhi oziphethe nezimo eziguqukayo.